Leaked DMs

Bobby Mars


August 30, 2023

A conversation leaked from the DMs of a millenial and zoomer (this is a work of fiction).


Bro my hot self proclaimed witch coworker just gave me a dab at work. She’s in her early 30’s but I think I’m in love


She sounds like a babe. Go for it dude.


It was wild. She basically spent 12 hours trauma dumping on me/bending over in provocative ways/lifting up her scrubs to show off her ass. We may be star crossed though because she’s supposed to work when I’m off and vice versa


Women, man. That’s the game they play.

Probably not a long term thing but sounds like she’s trying to reel you in


Honestly it was lowkey transactional. She was being sexy and in exchange I listened to her problems. But ultimately at the end of the day I feel like I was being paid to attend to her emotions. Like I’m effectively an ‘emotional intimacy worker’ when I am paired up with her


That’s just any relationship with a woman dawg

Often worth it tbh


There’s a certain charm to listening to a woman’s silly problems and then her being flirty after you calm her down. Idk it’s a very “father knows best” situation


Totally. Just like “don’t worry about it babe”


Apparently I took the night shift position which my hot coworker’s ex used to have. I have a hypothesis that if you spend 12 sleep exhausted hours with someone most days of the week you’ll either become enemies or lovers


Sounds about right. People in close proximity like that tend to become attached. And yet… familiarity breeds contempt


I think B/MFA’s are stupid as a degree because you should have a formalized master-protégé relationship instead. Like imagine instead of getting those degrees yourself, you spent like 8 years living with/doing tasks for/learning from a photographer you respected on a 1:1 basis. Now that your career is in a good spot you would take on a protege of your own and they would be your little zoomer servant. Just following you around, vaping all the time, and doing household tasks for you as you teach them how to be a photographer. Maybe the protégé’s family would also pay the master some sort of stipend as well depending on the master’s skill and protégé’s lack of thereof.


Totally agree and honestly that’s what the worthwhile parts of arts education just end up being anyways

But without the scope and benefit of that sort of long term formal relationship


Maybe once you reach true middle career you will want to seek out some Gen Alpha to be your protégé if they’re not too insufferable?They may be too insufferable and useless as a generation though. The arts may go through a quality bottleneck.


I’m sure there will be talented artists in that generation too. At least a few. I’ll have to consider that as I grow older, I like the idea very much


You will bring them through the bottleneck. As an artist your influence will be magnified because of how you will educate these youngsters. Imagine an elderly (63 yo) Antonio using a septum pierced gen cappa as his human walker while he (you) takes provocative photos for “Bobby Mars Magazine Volume #30~ Issue #9”. Speaking of which I am excited for your magazine and I’m sorry to read that this small businessman is giving you static. Lmk if you need me to lean on him. We can’t have a petty merchant interfere with your artistic process


Haha I appreciate that paisan. No big deal, just had to go with a printer in a big city and have them ship. Ended up being cheaper and better quality anyways! Should have them to ship to you all Monday/Tuesday


Tonight has been a bottleneck of the soul. I drove drunk from my Great Lakes adjacent city to a GL city in order to hookup with my fwb. But then this woman from my residential hall saw I was downstate and wanted to kick it with me. I choose this novel woman, but I made the wrong choice because she’s going back to college upstate on Thursday. That is good news that you were able to settle that business. Now that you are a merchant you must remember to never let people push you around. You are stronger than you know


Novelty is always appealing, especially in women. Wrong choice or not, it’s something new. Sometimes a man has to drive drunk to take care of business. Normal behavior in the Great Lakes tbh


You are so wise. I enjoy getting to know them/the chase more than actually being in a relationship with them. Where I live your first DUI is just a traffic citation and not a misdemeanor.


Lmao I love the rust belt. When I lived in Michigan I was repeatedly told “everyone drives drunk here” like it just wasn’t a big deal

You ever do any writing, champ? Feel like you’d kill, just the sort of weirdness I need for


I would be honored to submit a piece. I read the first and second articles and I enjoyed them. has a lively dissident vibe that I think the broader non-progressive community lacks.

It’s like a rejection of the new Puritanism of the woke and the pearl clutching of the traditional right


That’s exactly what I’m trying to do with it, something provocative, new thought. The very thing all the dissident right wing publications say they want but don’t know how to do because they’re not artists


The reason why we as the right are perpetually loosing is that we’re supporting ideologies from the past. There’s richness in for example Evola’s thought, but his philosophy is a product of his time. The instances where we have assumed power is when our philosophies match the time. You’re 100% correct. What we need to be is like the Futurists from pre-world war one Italy.


Futurism is precisely the angle. A movement focused on generation, speed, virility, newness of thought. Yet honed in thousand of years of basic human instinct. Arising from a time of decadence and decay

Have you read any Jünger? That’s my guy. My inspiration for both taking a stand but also avoiding hard labels, associations, and ideological commitments. His figure of the Anarch—that’s what I try to be


I love to hear that. What we need today is a new futurism. We’re on the slope of a great advancement in technology. We should affirm these advancements with new values. I’m into the whole “reactionary modernism” thing with futurism. Actually I was going to suggest a book review (not anymore) for xxx42069 on his drug memoir “Approaches!” Storm and Steel is great, but I also enjoyed “On Pain”. His choice to avoid hard labels was wise. That’s what I try to do too on this site and irl. The anarch is an interesting concept but I never read On Marble Cliffs/Forest Passage/Eumenseweil (or however you spell it). Could you explain it more?


The Anarch is a “sovereign individual” who associates freely, while always remaining beholden to himself and his own principles. He’s a chameleon, of sorts, can walk between different worlds because he avoids strictly defining himself. This is how I could go to art school and the gun range in the same day, being friends with everyone. Never really showing all my cards except in rare circumstances.

Highly recommend Eumeswil! A review or essay about Approaches would be great. Feel like you’re capable of some original writing too, hell even these messages if compiled properly would go hard


Antonio I can imagine you walking the line with art hoes was difficult. I appreciate all of the praise and would be interested in writing a review for the magazine. Know that you’re making a difference in this present hour. I will read Eumeswil. Good luck today and I shall talk with you later in the evening hours

Yesterday I took my 18 yo ex fiancé to the bar and we ran into my situationship. There was an overlap between the two of them (I took one to frat formal), but they’re okay with it, and it was the most eye-talian thing ever


Sounds like you have a harem growing there paisano. Pretty based

Also I’d post basically anything you write on there. The more schizo the better. Hell, I’d even publish an abridged version of this conversation as a sort of “interview” if you like the idea


Oh no, it was terrible my man. I am falling to the trap of the “Dylan Thomas thing”. How has your life been these last few days? HTML style is the perfect medium for schizoposting. I don’t know what the internet was like in the 80/90’s, but I reckon that it was harken back to that. How about I come up with a list of some ideas to pitch to you. Also I love the idea of our conversation being an abridged interview. I’ve told IRL people about how the man I called a kike became my mutual


Hahaha I’d forgotten about that! Rather ironic isn’t it

Yes I’ll make an abridged conversational interview of sorts. Happy to hear any ideas you have, but honestly, anything in text form will do. You have a unique style of writing so just let it flow man